Book Review: Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton.


Title: Rebel of the sands

Author: Alwyn Hamilton

Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy

Published in: 2016


She’s more gunpowder than girl—and the fate of the desert lies in her hands.

Mortals rule the desert nation of Miraji, but mystical beasts still roam the wild and barren wastes, and rumor has it that somewhere, djinni still practice their magic. But there’s nothing mystical or magical about Dustwalk, the dead-end town that Amani can’t wait to escape from.

My thoughts:

love the details on the cover!

All the fantasy lovers, feminists and those who are attracted to eastern culture, I have a book for you. Yes this one right here. Rebel of the sands. Adventure and Romance lovers can also going to enjoy it though.

So all those who haven’t come cross this book before, let me inform you that this is Alwyn Hamilton’s debut book and it is the first part of this fantastic trilogy.

And I absolutely LOVE it.

I actually have a weird relationship with this book. I didn’t seem to like it too much at first and was getting bored, felt that the story was dragged but that was only because I was distracted. I assure you guys this book is ANYTHING but boring. Now obviously, if you’re reading something absent-mindedly and your sub-conscious is nagging you the whole time with one thing or another then you won’t be able to enjoy any book no matter how good it is. That is what happened with me. But right when I loosened up from the grip of other stuff, I felt myself hooked into the story and I just wanted to get to the end and know what would happen and all that I-so-love-this-book feeling.


Nonetheless, I never read too fast because I like to savor each and every part of the book, that’s what I did here too.


So you must have read the plot above, you can tell I’m sure, how interesting it is and the story gets more and more interesting with every page. (You just need to pay attention).

The writing style appeared different to me. It was simple yet descriptive.

I have to admit, at some places something seemed amateur, I don’t know if it was the writing or the story. I was also confused here and there because maybe some more explanations could’ve helped.

But these flaws are too tiny in front of the fascinating world that Alwyn creates and the characters and the magical creatures oooo.. I have fallen in love with all the characters and cannot wait to read more about them in the second book WHICH IS COMING OUT IN MARCH 2017 WOOHOO.


This book is definitely going to take you on an amazing journey like on the Aladin carpet through deserts and plains.

I read fantasy after a looooonggg time and I must say I was getting all those old school feels *sobs* when I used to adore fantasy. I still do but now I’ve turned to more serious stuff. But this has brought back my long-lost love for fantasy. Suggest me some awesome fantastical reads guys.

If you don’t already know, the second book in this trilogy is named “Traitor to the throne” and looks like this:


Cool right?! I can’t wait either.

See this beautiful edit I did of this already beautiful book!


p.s: I received this book in the first OwlPost box and the dreamcatcher too. To see the other stuff that came with this book, you can check out the review here.

If you have read this book, let me know your thoughts about it and your favorite character in the comments below. Thanks for reading.

Stay safe y’all.